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Prayer at the Western Wall

Tisha B’Av by Candlelight on the Beach
Eicha, Songs & Stories 

Join us for our annual moving Tisha B'Av evening with the reading of Eicha along with stories & songs of Jerusalem on Frishman Beach with Rabbi Ariel.

Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem and the First and Second Temples as well as many tragedies throughout the exile.


Monday, August 12 - 9:00pm on Frishman Beach

Bring a candle (in glass ideally) and a story (personal or Talmudic) about Jerusalem (optional)

The evening is free and open to the public!

Tuesday morning, August 13 

Shacharit will be at 7:45am at TAIS with Kinot

Wishing you all a Safe and Meaningful Fast

Prayer at the Western Wall
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Tisha B'Av Talk w/ former Mossad Agent & Film Screening - Operation Finale 

Tisha B'Av Afternoon - Join us for the film screening of Operation Finale which tells the story of the heroic capture of Adolf Eichmann, the Mastermind of the Final Solution, by Israeli forces.

Tuesday, August 13 - 4:00pm

We will have a pre-screening talk with Avner Avraham, former Mossad agent and Senior Advisor for the film

Complimentary Admission. Mincha & Maariv to follow

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Tisha B'Av Fast Day

Monday, August 12
7:28 pm

Teusday, August 13
7:55 pm

Monday August 12

7:15 pm

Maariv, Eicha & Kinot
8:00 pm

Eicha, Songs and Stories
on Frisahman Beach

9:00 pm

Teusday August 13

Shacaharit & Kinot
7:45 am

Mincha with Torah reading
7:00 pm

Maariv and end of Fast 
7:55 pm

The Tel Aviv International Synagogue "Beit El"
Frishman Street 23 (right off of Ben Yehuda) Tel Aviv, Israel
Office: +972 3 523 6629
Rabbi Ariel: +972 52 283 8599
Pinchas: +972 52 457 7193

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