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פרסום שבת לפייסבוק.png

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum& Team TAIS!


Friday, Jan 31
4:55pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
5:05pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Feb 1 - Parashat Bo
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow
4:45pm - Mincha
5:00pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:53pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק (9).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn Chazzan Tzvi Grinheim & Team TAIS!

Friday, Jan 17
4:42pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:50pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Jan 18 - Parashat Shemot
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow!
4:30pm - Mincha
4:50pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:41pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק (8).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn & Team TAIS!

Friday, Jan 10

4:36pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:45pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Jan 11 - Parashat Vayechi
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel!
4:25pm - Mincha
4:45pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:35pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק (7).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, Jan 3
4:31pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:40pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Jan 4 - Parashat Vayigash
8:45am - Morning Services with Chazzan David Blum
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel!
4:20pm - Mincha
4:40pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo (He)
5:30pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

Hanukkah Candles
שבת חנוכה תשפה פייסבוק (1920 x 1080 px).jpg

TLV's Young Community
Kabbalat Shabbat Chanuka
Hot Spot @TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Come celebrate Shabbat Chanukah in grand style!!


Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Israel Schwartz and the Kol HaNeshama Vocal Ensemble!

Friday, December 27
4:20 pm - Chanukka Candle Lighting
4:26 pm - Shabbat Candle Lighting 
4:35 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat 

Our acclaimed Champagne & Sufganiyah Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, December 28 - Parshat Miketz, Shabbat Chanukah

8:45am - Morning Services 

A delicious Hot Cholent & Kugel Garden Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

4:10pm - Mincha  
4:30pm - Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel
5:24pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah
Chanukka Candle Kighting

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!
There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 


Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!


TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, Dec 20
4:22pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:30pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Dec 21 - Parashat Vayeshev
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel!
4:10pm - Mincha
4:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:21pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah


Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק (2).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Alexander Rabinowitz & Team TAIS!


Friday, Dec 6
4:18pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:30pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Dec 7 - Parashat Vayetze
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow! 

4:10pm - Mincha
4:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:16pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק (1).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Israel Schwartz & Team TAIS!

Friday, Nov 29
4:18pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:30pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Nov 30 - Parashat Toldot
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

4:10pm - Mincha
4:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:16pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

פרסום שבת לפייסבוק.jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo & Team TAIS!

Friday, Nov 22
4:19pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:30pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Nov 23 - Parashat Chayey Sarah
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

4:10pm - Mincha
4:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo (He)
5:17pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

Copy of TAIS Shabbat Facebook Event Covers (1920 x 1005 px).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum& Team TAIS!

Friday, Nov 15
4:22pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:30pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Nov 16 - Parashat Vayera
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow! 

4:10pm - Mincha
4:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:19pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!
There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 



TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn & Team TAIS!

Friday, Nov 8
4:27pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
4:35pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat, Nov 9 - Parshat Lech Lecha
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

4:15pm - Mincha
4:35pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
5:23pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

שבת שלום (2).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Yisrael Schwartz & Team TAIS!


Friday, Oct 4
6:03 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
6:15 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, Sep 28 - Parashat 'Ha'azinu'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow co-sponsored by Mara Weinblatt in honor of her Jewish naming!
5:55pm - Mincha
6:15pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
6:57pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

Copy of TAIS Shabbat Facebook Event Covers (4).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Yisrael Schwartz & Team TAIS!

Friday, Sep 27
6:12 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
6:20 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, Sep 28 - Parashat 'Nitzavim Vayelech'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow co-sponsored by Mara Weinblatt in honor of her Jewish naming!
6:00pm - Mincha
6:20pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
7:06pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!

Copy of TAIS Shabbat Facebook Event Covers (1).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!


Friday, Sep 13
6:40 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
6:31 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, Sep 14 Parashat 'Ki Tetse'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
5:40pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
6:20pm - Mincha
6:40pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
7:25pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

Copy of TAIS Shabbat Facebook Event Covers.jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo, Chazzan Yisrael Shwartz & Team TAIS!


Friday, Sep.6
6:50 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
6:40 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat Morning, Sep.7 Parashat 'Shoftim'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
5:45pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
6:30pm - Mincha
6:50pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo (He)
7:34pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-28 at 10.18.03 (1).jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!


Friday, Aug 30
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
6:49 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, Aug 31 Parashat 'Reeh'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
6:40pm - Mincha
7:00pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
7:44pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-01 at 13.09.06.jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Yisrael Shwartz & Team TAIS!

Friday, Aug 2
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:18 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat Morning, Aug 3 Parashat 'Matot- Masey'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:10pm - Mincha
7:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:16pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah


Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-25 at 13.57.28.jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, July 26
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:24 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat Morning, July 27 Parashat 'Pinchas'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:15pm - Mincha
7:35pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:22pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah


Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-18 at 14.38.20.jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, July 19
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:28 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, July 20 Parashat 'Balak''
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr) 
7:20pm - Mincha
7:40pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo (He)
8:27pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-27 at 00.41.01.jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, Jun 28
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:33 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, June 29 Parashat 'Shlach''
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr) 
7:25pm - Mincha
7:45pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:34pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

A5 TAIS Shabbat (21 x 29.7 cm) (4).jpg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, July 5
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:32 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, July 6 Parashat 'Korach''
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
6:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr) 
7:20pm - Mincha
7:40pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:33pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 


TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn & Team TAIS!

Friday, Jun 14
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, June 15 Parashat 'Nasso'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
12:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:20pm - Mincha
7:40pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:32pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 


Shabbat Yom Yerushalayim

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan Israel Schwartz & the Kol HaNeshama Choir, Yoel Rubinstein, Conductor!


Friday, June 7
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:27 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat Morning, June 8 - Parashat 'Bamidbar'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon to follow!
12:00pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:15pm - Mincha
7:35pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:29pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah​

Complimentary Admission! Invite your Friends!


TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, May 31
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:23 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, June 1 Parashat 'Bechukotay'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
12:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:15pm - Mincha
7:35pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:25pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-23 at 14.18.15.jpeg

TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Dr. Rafi Shuchat, David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, May 24
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:19 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!

Shabbat Morning, May 25- Parashat 'Behar'
8:45am - Morning Services
Lavish Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush Luncheon
12:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:10pm - Mincha
7:30pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Dr. Rafi Shuchat (En/He)
8:20pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 


TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!

Friday, May 10
7:00 pm - Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat
7:10 pm - Candle Lighting (18 min)
Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat Morning, May 11- Parashat 'Kdoshim'
8:45am - Morning Services & Hot Cholent & Kugel Kiddush
12:15pm - Shiur with Jonas Eisenberg (Fr)
7:00pm - Mincha
7:20pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn (En/He)
8:09pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 


Third Meal with Guest Speaker

Exciting news everyone!
Third Meal for Unity Shabbat afternoon 11/05 with amazing speaker, Lt. Col. E.

JIC TLV co- hosted with The Tel Aviv International Synagogue

Date: Shabbat, May 11th, 2024

Time: 18:30 Mincha followed by Speaker and Third Meal

Address: Tel Aviv International Synagogue, 23 Frishman (near Ben Yehuda)

no charge- no rsvp required- all welcome!

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TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo, Chazzan Tzvi Grinhaim & Team TAIS!


Friday, April 19
6:55 - Candle Lighting (18 min)
7:00- Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat.

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat, April 20 - Parshat Metzora 
8:45 am - Morning Services 
A delicious Hot Cholent & Kugel Garden Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

6:45 pm - Mincha  
7:05 pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo
7:52 pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

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TLV's Young Community Kabbalat Shabbat Hot Spot
@TAIS - Frishman 23!  

Join hundreds of Young Internationals & Israelis at our renowned Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat & Cocktails and Champagne Kiddush Reception as we sing and bring in the Shabbat in grand style with Rabbi Yair Revivo, Chazzan David Blum & Team TAIS!


Friday, March 15
5:31 - Candle Lighting (18 min)
5:40- Mincha & Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat.

Our acclaimed Champagne Kiddush Reception in the beautiful Shomron Garden to follow!


Shabbat, March 16 - Parshat Pekudey 
8:45 am - Morning Services 
A delicious Hot Cholent & Kugel Garden Kiddush Luncheon to follow!

5:20 pm - Mincha  
5:40 pm- Seudah Shlishit and the Tzvi Herschel Memorial Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Yair Revivo
6:27 pm - Maariv & Musical Havdalah

Complimentary Admission!  Invite your Friends!

There's NOTHING like SHABBAT @TAIS!!! 

The Tel Aviv International Synagogue "Beit El"
Frishman Street 23 (right off of Ben Yehuda) Tel Aviv, Israel
Office: +972 3 523 6629
Rabbi Ariel: +972 52 283 8599
Pinchas: +972 52 457 7193

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